Kristen Rosati Addresses Potential COVID-19 HIPAA Violations in Healthcare Risk Management
The COVID-19 pandemic brought increased risk of HIPAA violations, and Healthcare Risk Management turned to Kristen Rosati to help readers understand where they might go astray. In the article, “COVID-19 Changes HIPAA Compliance, But Caution Necessary,” Kristen discussed a possible rise in curiosity viewing. She shared how health care personnel members may want to know if a patient has tested positive for COVID-19, even if they aren’t treating the patient, or may be tempted to look up the records of family members, friends or neighbors. Kristen emphasized personnel should look at a patient’s record only for valid treatment reasons. Kristen is considered one of the nation’s leading “Big Data” and HIPAA compliance attorneys. With extensive experience in data sharing for research, clinical integration and artificial intelligence initiatives, clinical research compliance, and biobanking...
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