Kristen Rosati Provides Insight on Data De-Identification

Partner Kristen Rosati recently addressed the HIPAA standards for de-identification of data at The American Health Law Association (AHLA) annual meeting in Washington, D.C. During the "De-Mystifying De-Identification" panel discussion, Kristen and her co-speakers discussed the challenges and solutions associated with new HIPAA, other federal laws, U.S. state privacy laws, and the EU GDPR. Because of the importance of de-identified data to research, innovation (such as the development of AI), and health care delivery improvement, a good understanding of data de-identification is key to the health care industry. A sought-after national speaker, Kristen has been active in national health care policy and served as past President (2013-2014) and Fellow of the American Health Law Association (AHLA), the nation’s largest health care legal organization. She was recently recognized...

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