Naomi Jorgensen Joins ALA Arizona Board as Director at Large and Community Connection Chair

Having served as Coppersmith Brockelman’s Chief Administrative Officer and Firm Administrator for the last three years, Naomi Jorgensen is helping advance the professional legal management industry. The Association of Legal Administrators (ALA) Arizona Chapter recently elected her as Director at Large and the Community Connection Chair for 2020-2021.
As Community Connection Chair, Naomi works to encourage ALA members, firms, business partners, relatives and friends to come together to contribute time, energy and resources toward improving their communities. She will organize a community service project or fundraiser to bring chapter members and business partners together to support a good cause.
As a Director at Large, Naomi helps ALA Arizona improve the quality of management in legal service organizations, promote and enhance the competence of professionalism of legal administrators, and represent professional legal management and managers to the legal community and the community.
Before serving as Coppersmith Brockelman’s Chief Administrative Officer, Naomi was an attorney in the firm’s health care practice. She assisted clients in complying with HIPAA and other federal and state health information privacy laws, including uses and disclosures of protected health information, business associate agreements, issues related to health information exchange, and breach reporting obligations.
Prior to her work as an attorney, Naomi was a member of Teach for America and taught fourth and eighth grades. She earned both her bachelor’s degree and Juris Doctor from the University of Arizona.