Melissa Soliz Updates Arizona Society of Healthcare Attorneys on Changes to Data Rules

Following a consequential year for health privacy and data rules, Mel Soliz updated the Arizona Society of Healthcare Attorneys about the upcoming changes to health data and privacy at a webinar.
During the webinar “Got Data? : How the Health Data Rules are Changing,” Mel presented alongside Joanne Charles, principal corporate counsel, privacy and regulatory counsel at Microsoft, and Elliot Golding, a partner at Squire Patton Boggs. Together they covered HIPAA’s COVID-19 guidance, Information Blocking/Interoperability, 42 CFR Part 2, and the interplay between different state laws.
Mel is frequently consulted for her deep knowledge of information blocking. She works closely with community health information exchanges, health care providers, and health plans to understand and create compliance programs for the Information Blocking Rule, as well as the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule. Moreover, Mel is active in state and federal policy making on data privacy and health information exchange issues.