Mel Soliz Breaks Down Compliance with Complex Interoperability Requirements at the AHLA Physicians and Hospitals Law Institute

Looking to educate members about how to comply with the Information Blocking Rule (IBR) and other interoperability mandates, the American Health Law Association turned to Mel Soliz as a presenter at its Physicians and Hospitals Law Institute. Mel joined Gerard Nussbaum, principal at Zarach Associates, and Marti Arvin, chief compliance officer at Erlanger Health, in explaining IBR and interoperability requirements.
Mel works closely with community health information exchanges, health care providers and health plans to understand and implement compliance programs for the IBR and the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule. She regularly speaks at local and national forums on these topics and has been active in state and federal policy making on data privacy and health information exchange issues.
Learn more about the Physicians and Hospitals Law Institute here.