Kristen Rosati Presents Tips for Transactions Involving Big Data and Genomics at the American Health Law Association

Academic medical centers and hospital systems are increasingly being approached to share huge volumes of clinical data, biospecimens, and genetic sequencing data with a variety of partners, including pharmaceutical companies, biotech companies, AI and machine-learning companies, and other collaborative research partners. In a presentation at the American Health Law Association Academic Medical Centers and Teaching Hospitals Institute and the Physicians and Hospitals Law Institute in Orlando, Kristen Rosati explained how to manage and share health clinical and genomic data in a way that complies with HIPAA and state privacy laws.
As part of her presentation, Kristen delved into special considerations for genomic data, including de-identification of genomic data, and dealing with evolving state genetic privacy laws. She also discussed the importance of implementing a good data governance process.
Kristen, a past President and Fellow of the American Health Law Association, is highly regarded as one of the nation’s leading “Big Data” and HIPAA compliance attorneys. She offers deep experience in data sharing for research and clinical integration initiatives, clinical research compliance, biobanking and genomic privacy.