Karen Owens Blogs About Affordable Care Act Anti-Sex Discrimination for AzSHA

Following up to a recent presentation to the Arizona Society for Healthcare Attorneys (AzSHA), Karen Owens provided a more in-depth examination of the anti-discrimination provisions in Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, including based on sex, limited English proficiency and disability.
With major changes in the current regulations on sex discrimination expected and questions about the status of other parts of Section 1557, Karen’s blog helps readers understand the history and current status of Section 1557, major court decisions, practical realities for providers, and what may be next on the horizon.
Karen, who serves on the AzSHA Board of Directors, represents health care systems, hospitals, clinics, and other providers in a variety of matters including quality management, medical staff credentialing and peer review, medical staff structures, bylaws and confidentiality, as well as National Practitioner Data Bank, state professional board, and other government reporting.