Kristen Rosati on Planning Committee for National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Workshop on Data Sharing

Kristen Rosati Shares Expertise in Patient Data Privacy with Clinical Chemistry

Kristen Rosati, a partner at Coppersmith Brockelman, shared her expertise in an article in Clinical Chemistry.  Kristen discussed the benefits of data warehouses and health information exchanges (HIEs), and the risks they can pose to patient privacy. She also provided insight into best practices in balancing patient privacy and the use of clinical data by having good data security and data governance processes.   Kristen advocated for a federal prohibition against reidentification of individuals in data used for research and quality improvement activities, which would address the acute need to use health information for research and at the same time honor individual rights. Kristen has deep experience in data breaches, health information exchange, data sharing for research and clinical integration initiatives, clinical research compliance, clinical trials contracting,...

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It’s Time – for Arizona’s Paid Sick Time Law

The passage of Proposition 206 in November 2016 brought not just an increase in Arizona’s minimum wage, but also enactment of a new state law requiring all employers (with very narrow exceptions) to provide all employees, including part-time workers, with annual paid sick time (PST). With the July 1, 2017 effective date rapidly approaching, we want to make sure you have the important information you need to adopt or revise policies, provide notice, and update your payroll and recordkeeping practices before the law takes effect. Here’s what you need to know: How much PST must be provided? Employees must accrue a minimum of one hour of PST for every 30 hours worked. (Thus, part-time employees will accrue PST at a slower rate than full-time employees.) Employees...

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Jill Chasson Shares Employment Law Expertise with Phoenix Business Journal Ahead of New Paid Sick Time Law

Coppersmith Brockelman attorney Jill Chasson was featured among leading labor and employment attorneys in a Phoenix Business Journal story covering tips for employers ahead of the new paid sick time law. The law, which takes effect July 1, requires employers to offer a certain amount of paid sick time to employees, including part-time employees, and has specific criteria for notifying employees and tracking paid sick time. Jill shared some of the law’s key provisions that may be challenging to implement or confusing for employers. Jill is an employment law expert—she provides practical advice to employers regarding compliance with the many federal and state laws that govern the workplace and regularly provides training for supervisors and human resource professionals. Read the full story here....

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Kristen Rosati on Planning Committee for National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine Workshop on Data Sharing

Kristen Rosati Shares Biobanking, Big Data and Data Breach Expertise at Three Industry Events

Coppersmith Brockelman attorney Kristen Rosati is considered one of the nation’s leading HIPAA compliance attorneys, and has deep experience in clinical research compliance, biobanking and “Big Data.”  She is a sought-after speaker on each topic, and was recently called upon to share her expertise at the following events: 2017 Southern Arizona Biomedical Research Symposium on Biobanking and Informed Consent: Challenges and Solutions: As keynote, Kristen presented on “The Changing Biobanking Legal Landscape.” The symposium was held at the University of Arizona Cancer Center on Wednesday, March 15, 2017. The half-day event focused on the legal and ethical challenges associated with consenting study participants and collecting tissue samples to be stored in biorepositories. Listen to a recording of the seminar here. American Health Lawyers Association’s (AHLA)...

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Coppersmith Brockelman Attorneys Author Data Breach Article in AHLA Journal

Data breaches. It’s a topic that keeps many health care administrators up at night. With an ever-changing legal landscape and increased vulnerability of health care  organizations and their business associates to breaches from intentional theft and hacking, Kristen Rosati and Scott Bennett penned an insightful article for the American Health Lawyers Association’s Journal of Health & Life Sciences.  Based on their experience at handling large data breaches, Kristen and Scott offer a practical assessment of how organizations and their attorneys can prepare, prevent and respond to potential breaches. The article appeared in the February edition, which is available by visiting the Journal of Health & Life Sciences. Read the Contents and Introduction....

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