Melissa Soliz Discusses Impact of Extended Comment Period for Proposed Rules on Interoperability, Information Blocking in AHLA Bulletin

Melissa Soliz shared her expertise in information blocking and electronic health records rules, regulations, and compliance in a bulletin for members of the American Health Lawyers Association (AHLA). On April 19, 2019, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services extended the comment period for two proposed rules related to promoting interoperability of electronic health information. Melissa and co-author Rebecca Frigy Romine of Polsinelli PC broke down each rule, including what health lawyers need to know about the impact of these rules on health care organizations. The first proposed rule, from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, addresses interoperability, information blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program. The second rule, proposed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, addresses patient protection and the Affordable Care Act for multiple branches of Medicare and Medicaid programs including...

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Scott Bennett Co-edits AHLA Briefing on Best Practices for Health Care Organizations Using Connected Devices

Drawing on his expertise in cybersecurity and health care, Scott Bennett served as a co-editor of “Connected Devices in Health Care,” a briefing for the American Health Lawyers Association’s (AHLA) Health Information and Technology Practice Group. Authored by a group of AHLA members, the briefing offers an in-depth look at the legal implications of using connected devices in health care, including the security of health information, risks to patient health and safety, due diligence in selecting a connected device, and contracting issues. The briefing recommends numerous strategies and best practices for health care organizations to manage these risks. Working in concert with co-editors Elizabeth F. Hodge of Akerman LLP and Gerard M. Nussbaum of Zarach Associates LLC, Scott ensured the briefing provided the most accurate, up-to-date information to help practice group members...

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Jill Chasson Discusses Human Resources Risks, Mistakes with In Business Magazine

Jill Chasson broke down common human resources mistakes small business owners make in an interview with In Business Magazine. Jill joined other local experts to discuss common risks in all facets of running a small business, from finances to HR to management. Jill noted that businesses often run into issues when they misclassify employees as independent contractors, misunderstand exempt and non-exempt classifications, and when they do not keep detailed employee records. Jill focuses on helping businesses of all sizes in a variety of industries with their employment law needs. She provides practical advice to employers regarding compliance with the many federal and state laws that govern the workplace and regularly provides training for supervisors and human resource professionals. When disputes arise, Jill represents employers before administrative...

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Scott Bennett Shares Expertise in Artificial Intelligence, Health Care with American Health Lawyers Association

Scott Bennett discussed the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on health care in an article for the American Health Lawyers Association’s Connections magazine. Scott and co-author Leeann Habte of Best Best & Krieger broke down the basics of AI, current and emerging uses of AI in health care, and the various legal issues health care lawyers and providers could encounter if they choose to adopt AI. They noted that while AI has the potential to drastically improve health care delivery, there are numerous potential risks that attorneys must consider and help health care organizations manage. Scott has significant experience representing hospitals and other health care providers. He provides advice to help health care companies comply with the web of federal and state laws and regulations that govern the...

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Jill Chasson Discusses New Ruling Affecting Compensation Decisions with Phoenix Business Journal

In an interview with the Phoenix Business Journal, Jill Chasson discussed how a recent ruling by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will affect the way Arizona employers determine compensation. The ruling, issued under the federal Equal Pay Act, states that employers cannot rely on an employee’s salary history to justify a pay difference between men and women who perform equal work. Jill noted that the court’s decision is consistent with a recent trend of states (including California and Oregon) and cities (such as San Francisco) enacting new laws intended to keep male and female employees at the same company on a level playing field. Jill recommended that Arizona employers avoid asking about prior salary during the hiring process, and that they consider performing an audit...

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Kristen Rosati and Melissa Soliz Relay Data Sharing Expertise in Book Chapter for American Health Lawyers Association

Kristen Rosati and Melissa Soliz shared their expertise in data sharing for clinical integration and other “Big Data” initiatives in a chapter for the American Health Lawyers Association’s (AHLA) seventh edition of Fundamentals of Health Law. Kristen and Melissa discussed data sharing as it relates to HIPAA, the Common Rule, state privacy laws, nonprofit tax exemption, and more. This chapter on data sharing is a new addition to AHLA’s publication, which aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of health law and analysis of trends related to fraud and abuse, Medicare and Medicaid, hospitals, physicians, private health plans, dispute resolutions, and more. Kristen is one of the nation’s leading HIPAA compliance attorneys, with deep experience in data breaches, health information exchange, data sharing for research and clinical integration...

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