Andy Gordon Discusses the Impact of Trump’s Border Wall with CBS 5

As President Trump asserts that a wall will reduce drug trafficking and illegal immigration across the Southwestern border, CBS 5 called upon Andy Gordon to discuss the potential impact of such a wall.
Recent discoveries by Mexican police have confirmed that drug smugglers have tunneled beneath the 25-foot border fence in Nogales, Mexico, circumventing the wall altogether. Others hide drugs in produce shipments and drive them through ports of entry. In Yuma, footage has surfaced of people jumping the fence.
Andy notes that the areas where a border wall would be most effective already have a fence in place. The remaining land is mostly privately-owned land that the government would need to confiscate via lengthy legal proceedings. He says that while a wall seems like a logical solution, it won’t halt drug trafficking, crime, or immigration, and is not worth years of legal battle.
One of Arizona’s foremost experts in election and political law, Andy previously served as Counsel to the General Counsel at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, where he primarily assisted with security issues at the Southwestern border – including the construction of the current fence – and Guantanamo. He is noted as one of the nation’s premier experts on these issues, with intimate knowledge of the costs, benefits and implications of constructing a barrier at the border. Andy is also an adjunct professor at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law, where he teaches national security law.